Washington D.C. Office Opened
We are pleased to announce the opening of the Washington, D.C. office of WARPSPACE USA, which has been active since the first half of this fiscal year, at the following address.
Metro Office 700 12th Street, Suite 700 NW, Washington, DC
The CEO of WARPSPACE USA is Hirokazu Mori, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). Mori has been actively participating in overseas trade shows this year to deepen exchanges with industry representatives and government officials in various countries.
As previously reported, WARPSPACE is interested in providing optical communication networks in space to earth observation satellite operators, and government agencies in the U.S. Since the establishment of WARPSPACE USA in April, Mori and his team have been working on the details of this project.
In addition, this office’s objectives are to provide an early understanding of relevant developments and flexibility to respond as we build new infrastructure. The U.S. is often ahead of the rest of the world in enacting important legislation and ordinances that will define the space industry in the future. The recent FCC clarification of rules for the disposal of low earth orbit satellites is one of its examples.
Tsunemachi’s Comment
It means a lot to us to be able to officially start our activities in the United States, an important place for the space industry. In the space industry, in particular, there is a lot of activity in both the public and private sectors, and active discussions are going on day and night. We will continue to make steady progress to offer our services to the world.
Mori’s Comment
As I have participated in many exhibitions this year, I have felt firsthand that inter-satellite optical communications are attracting significant attention from U.S. government agencies and earth observation companies, especially the Space Development Agency (SDA). From now on, centering on the Washington D.C. office, I will not only raise awareness of and interest in our services as I have done so far but also lead the negotiations necessary to participate in specific projects as CEO of our U.S. subsidiary.